TASK 2.16          Microcomputer Model Refinement


During 2001-02, CDTC purchased an advanced software package to allow CDTC to move from its TMODEL2-based modeling system.  Initial efforts with the new VISUM software are already underway.  During 2002-03, work included creation and calibration of a 500-zone VISUM transitional model replicating the geographic detail of the TMODEL2 model.  In the coming year, refinement of the transitional model to the full Census 2000 geographic detail (900 zones) will take place.  Products of CDTC's enriched NPTS 2001 sample are expected during the coming year; these will be reviewed for use in refining the VISUM model.


TASK 2.30          Routine Highway Condition Inventory


The most every-other-year survey of non-state federal aid roads was completed in 2001.  This will be repeated in 2003.  Annual review of Albany County's conditions will occur in 2003 also.


TASK 2.25          Collection of Transportation Planning Support Data


CDTC continues to use interns for extensive data collection. 


These general tasks will continue in 2003-04, increasing the Capital District's base of locally-generated travel data and travel relationships.  A small consultant budget is included to allow for specialized traffic studies (in addition to routine and special counts by NYSDOT and its consultants.)  The consultant effort will include speed monitoring and speed-delay data collection.


CDTC's add-on to the State University of New York at Albany's resident attitudinal survey was first conducted in 1996 and repeated annually since.  This provides a nice time series of data, all set in the context of resident's attitudes toward other issues (job security, quality of life, etc.).  Pedestrian issues were added in 2000.  CDTC will repeat this effort again in 2003.  The annual cost of this add-on is approximately $10,000.


In 2002, CDTC collected speed and delay data on NY5 for both the BRT and NY5 ITS signal project.  Additional data will be collected upon completion of the ITS implementation.


Comprehensive transit ridership data collection was included in CDTC's 2002-03 FTA Planning Grant; this effort may rollover to 2003-04.


TASK 2.28          Census / Household Travel Survey


CDTC's new Traffic Analysis Zone (TAZ) set was used by the Census Bureau in conjunction with the 2000 Census. The new TAZ set numbers approximately 900 rather than the traditional 471.  This was completed in conjunction with the Census Bureau's "TAZ-UP" process.  CDTC also participated in the Census Bureau's "WORK-UP" effort to better define addresses for places of work for the 2001 Journey to Work files.


CDTC transferred $175,000 of its funds to NYSDOT for use in the 2001 National Personal Transportation Study (NPTS) allowing for approximately 1800 data samples in the Capital District.  This will save CDTC approximately $50,000 from estimates made for the cost of a household travel survey.  It will also allow for consistency in data with the national data base and allow for maintenance of Capital District travel parameters in 2005 through tracking of national trends.  Along with this approach, CDTC will tentatively plan to repeat the large scale sample again in 2010.   Initial results of both the Census journey-to-work data were received in 2002; zonal-level information and the NPTS data are expected in 2003.


During 2002-03, CDRPC reviewed its population projections and estimates against initial rollout of 2000 Census counts.  Estimates were refined for TAZ's and projections updated for minor civil divisions.  CDRPC plans to pursue an effort to refine regional economic and demographic indicators for ongoing monitoring of conditions. 



TASK 2.29          Regional Geographic Information System


This task is designed to permit the continued creation, modification, conversion, and maintenance of map features and data in conjunction with CDRPC’s NYSDOT-based regional GIS effort.  CDRPC will continue to process and manipulate data and clip the information specific to the Capital Region and the communities within its jurisdiction.


For 2003-04, CDRPC will continue to incorporate parcel-level data and high-resolution orthophotography for the entire region and add this information to data coverages on the GIS.


The CDTC staff continues to make its own contributions to the regional GIS.  Numerous GIS applications included drafts of the regional trails map, scenic byways maps, bike and pedestrian crash data maps and support mapping for various studies. 


CDTC's Civil Rights and Environmental Justice work will continue to be a major GIS product of 2003-04, along with Safety Management System work.  GIS will also play a larger role in the New Visions 2030 / New Visions for a Quality Region effort than was possible in the previous New Visions processes.


TASK 2.31          Traffic Volume Report


CDTC continues to maintain a web-available report.