Table 4A

Capital District Transportation Committee
Transportation Improvement Program

Fiscal Constraint By Fund Source By Program Year (2006-08)
All funds are in millions of dollars.
Updated 12-05-2014, 3:56 PM

4rd Year: 2006-07 5th Year: 2007-08 Total: 2003-08
Fund Source Amount Available Overprog-
Amount Available Overprog-
Amount Available Overprog-
National Highway System 15.400 -13.686 15.400 36.734 86.900 22.296
Interstate Maintenance 12.700 15.275 12.700 -1.265 83.400 48.549
Highway Bridge Rehab & Replacement 18.500 -3.960 18.500 17.017 93.250 -12.449
STP Flexible 15.100 21.240 15.100 -1.243 93.800 20.063
STP Rail 0.650 0 0.650 0 3.250 0
STP Safety 1.100 0.108 1.100 -0.585 6.400 -1.977
STP Enhancements 0 0.681 0 0 0.431 0.890
STP Urban 4.500 12.580 4.500 -4.090 22.500 1.834
STP Small Urban Area 0.700 -0.700 0.700 -0.700 3.500 -2.500
STP Rural 1.700 -1.700 1.700 -1.700 11.200 -9.880
Federal Demonstration 0 0 0 0 38.423 0.750
Miscellaneous Federal Aid 0.700 -0.630 0.700 -0.630 3.500 -1.122
Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality 7.500 3.237 7.500 0.680 37.500 0.528
Section 5310 0.449 0 0.449 0 2.245 0
Section 5309 0 0 0 0 0 0.313
Section 5307 10.087 -0.090 10.087 -0.090 50.435 0.143
Section 5307 Transit Enhancement 0.101 -0.011 0.101 -0.011 0.505 -0.055
Section 5307 For Saratoga Springs 0.556 0 0.556 0 2.780 0
Section 5311 0.061 -0.001 0.061 0.001 0.300 0
Total 89.804 32.343 89.804 44.118 540.319 67.383

The 'Amount Available' is the amount of authorized federal funds (including match), including carryover funds from the period prior to 2003-04.

'Overprogrammed' is the difference between the amount available and the amount programmed. Negative numbers indicate underprogramming. The fiscal constraint data above is shown only for the years and federal fund sources for which it applies. Amounts available are based upon the historic Capital District shares of amounts allocated to NYSDOT Region 1.

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