DATE/TIME: Thursday, October 14, 2004 at CDRPC Offices, 10 AM to 12:30 PM


ATTENDANCE: Todd Fabozzi-CDRPC; Steve Feeney-Schenectady County Planning; Heather Mallozzi-Town of Malta; Sandy Misiewicz-CDTC Staff; Clarence Mosher-Town of Glenville; Linda von der Heide-Rensselaer County Economic Development and Planning


DISCUSSION SUMMARY: The discussion centered around two documents prepared and sent to the working group members prior to the meeting.  The first was the Linkage Program guidelines for the 2004 solicitation for new projects to be undertaken in the 2005-06 federal fiscal year.  The second document provided a detailed summary of some of the many data resources and technical assistance activities undertaken by the staffs of both CDTC and CDRPC. 


The discussion of the Linkage program focused on ensuring that the draft program guidelines made sense and that the new material clarified that Linkage funds will be used in the new program more strategically and will emphasize projects that:


1)     support urban revitalization;

2)     improve street connectivity;

3)     enhance and develop activity centers, town centers and transit corridors;

4)     encourage a greater mix and intensity of land uses;

5)     create an integrated multi-modal transportation network; and

6)     provide for pedestrian-friendly development standards. 


The working group members suggested several changes to the draft guidelines including further emphasizing the strategies listed above and clarifying the criteria to be used for the first time in proposal evaluation. 


The discussion then turned to the summary of data resources and technical assistance activities for both CDTC and CDRPC and what can best assist those working in planning at the local level.  The group offered that trip generation data from Capital District land uses (gathered by CDTC staff), CDTC’s Community Compatibility Measures (a conflict measure between residential/ commercial land uses and through traffic), and safety data (used for planning by CDTC from NYSDOT) could be of greatest benefit to those working at the local level.  All agreed that a site impact assessment handbook representing the situation in the Capital District would be beneficial to those at the local level.  Additional education and outreach activities to those serving on planning and zoning boards would also be beneficial.


NEXT STEPS: CDTC staff will finalize the Linkage Program guidelines for Planning Committee review in either November or December.  CDTC/CDRPC will provide working group members with information on the Transportation Improvement Program and how funds could be used more strategically to support good planning.  Finally, a review of the New Visions principles and policies will be undertaken to look for areas where existing language could be updated or new principles and policies could be considered.  A summary will be shared with the group prior to the next meeting.


The next meeting has been scheduled for Wednesday, November 10, 2004 at 9:30 AM at the CDRPC office (One Park Place, Main Floor).