ANNOUNCEMENT! As of June 1, 2023, we are now the Capital Region Transportation Council.    Learn more

CDTC’s Transit Priority Network reflects CDTA’s adopted Transit Priority Corridors, with deviations off of main lines removed, the addition of the segment of I-87 between Route 7 and I-90 and connections added to the Albany International Airport and Saratoga Springs train station. The criteria used in identifying CDTA’s Transit Priority Corridors are described in the CDTA Transit Development Plan. Transit priority corridors communicate where CDTA will focus fixed route service and infrastructure improvements. Capital project proposals that are on the CDTC's Transit Priority Network and incorporate one or more Transit Components into the scope of work will receive merit category points for transit in the Transportation Improvement Program project evaluation process. An update of the Transit Priority Network is expected in 2021.

Additional information on transit and the Transit Priority Network can be found in the New Visions 2050 Transit White Paper.