DATE/TIME/PLACE:  Monday, January 22, 1996; 2 PM; CDTC Offices, Colonie


ATTENDANCE:  Dick Corp (NYSTA), Pat McLaughlin (UPS), John Denison (CP Rail Systems), Tom Magliocca (Albany Port Commission), Steve Iachetta (Albany County Airport), Richard Wolff (Williamsburg Transport), Kristina Younger (CDTC)


DISCUSSION SUMMARY:  Welcome and introductions started the meeting.


Status Reports:  ALBANY COUNTY AIRPORT:  A model of the new passenger terminal is on display at the terminal.  Design is well underway with bids for various components scheduled for February and March.  The new cargo facility is progressing, with FAA approval of a "Finding of No Significant Impact" (FONSI) on the environmental document.  10 of the needed 30 acres for the facility have been purchased.  Negotiations between AFCO (the manager of the facility) and tenants, such as UPS and Federal Express, are ongoing.  Construction is expected to begin this spring.  Airport Authority staff are drafting applications for federal contributions to the project.  In other news, the expansion of 130 Sicker Road is complete and various work on access roads and flood abatement have proven to be successful.


CP RAIL SYSTEMS:  John Denison reported on the system-wide reorganization, which entails a 25% reduction across the board and a net loss of about 1400 jobs.  The recent floods impacted CP operations with many washouts and reduced operating speeds.  Abandonment of the old Albany Main line is "on hold", with CP being "hopeful" that a short line operator can be attracted.


THRUWAY:  Howard Steinberger has been appointed as the new Chairman.  The rest of the three-person board operates on 9-year terms, with Nancy Carey being 2 years into her service.  Funding for Canal operations is anticipated to be a hot political topic with the change of Chairman.  Dick Corp reported on the weather-related difficulties faced by the Thruway.  However, revenues are up, including a 10% increase in commercial traffic in December.  EZ Pass in the Capital District is approaching 10,000 tag holders.  Tying together Albany and NYC is anticipated in May of 1996.  A simplification of the toll classification scheme for trucks is coming -- and is a necessary step before full implementation of EZ Pass for commercial accounts can occur.  An ITS Discretionary Grant from USDOT was received for a Traffic Operations Center in Albany.


UPS:  Pat McLaughlin reported an excellent fourth quarter - with $21B in profits.  A Training Center is being opened at the Latham UPS facility, and an emphasis on driver training will occur this spring.  In the arena of public affairs, UPS is part of a coalition looking for Worker's Compensation reform in NYS.  UPS is working with the Clean Cities Coalition to bring some natural gas vehicles into operation upstate, as part of air quality improvement.  The management downsizing at UPS (through early retirements and other incentives) in the fourth quarter resulted in a reduction 4600 management people upstate.  There is a new Chief Operating Officer (Doye Lux) for the NY District.  The recent retail rate restructuring was described.  Air rates are now determined by "dimensional weight" (how much room the package takes), which brings UPS in line with the industry standard.


WILLIAMSBURG TRANSPORT:  1995 was a good year.  As long as people keep drinking beer, this is anticipated to continue.  Richard Wolff talked about industry trends that are impacting his operations.  Anheuser-Busch now has 32 different brands of beer, using 64 different types of packaging.  This is very different from previously and complicates shipping.


PORT:  1995 Port cargo was up over 944,000 tons, reflecting a diverse commodity mix.  An Economic Impact Study has been completed and the results are included in the Performance Report.


Final Performance Report:  The Performance Report was distributed and the changes from the draft highlighted.


1996 Work Program:  The CDTC Freight Planning Work Program for 1996 was discussed and a revised version is attached.  The work program will emphasize keeping inventories and databases created for the Performance Report up-to-date, and additional data collection and integration of freight concerns into the CDTC process.  Task Force members also requested that information such as upcoming road construction schedules and funding opportunities be regularly communicated.  Another Roundtable discussion for the fall was proposed -- one where the emphasis would be on transportation and economic development.  The desired audience is shippers and customers with a dual purpose of marketing the strengths of the Capital District freight transportation system and gathering information on our weaknesses and how to eliminate them.


New Visions:  The meeting concluded with presentation of the New Visions slide show and urging of task force member to complete the Response Worksheets for incorporation into the planning process.




*    NEXT MEETING:  Monday, April 15, 1996, 2 - 4 PM, CDTC Offices.  Agenda to include:  Roundtable Planning, member updates, new business.

*    Kristina to send Industrial Access Program information to those that requested it.

*    Kristina to further develop the Roundtable idea and proceed with the Work Program.