Capital District Transportation Committee

Bicycle and Pedestrian Task Force

Record of Meeting on January 13, 2009


Attendance: Jason Purvis (CDTC), Nelson Ronsvalle (Town of Halfmoon), Michael Lyons (Town of Colonie), Raj Malhotra (NYSDOT Region 1), Elaine Troy (NYSDOH), Jim Levy (WSA/Niskayuna Resident), Don Odell (Albany Bicycling Coalition), Jen Ceponis (CDTC), Katie Bronson (City of Albany), Todd Fabozzi (CDRPC)


1.0   New Business


1.1 Bicycle Education – CDTC is coordinating internally to develop a bicycle education program and allocating UPWP funds.  The program is anticipated to be tested within communities with existing bicycle planning efforts, and if successful, copied and taken to other willing communities. 


E. Troy – NYSDOH has initiated bicycle safety education programs in the past which could be looked at as models or possibly adapted for CDTC’s potential bicycle education program.


M. Lyons suggested that CDTC contact AAA to propose a bicycle education piece in their defensive driving classes.


J. Levy worked on an education campaign in Vermont and would be happy to share his work with CDTC.


Next Steps – The program will be proposed to the Planning Committee in February for approval.  If approved, CDTC will continue to discuss the program with the task force.      


1.2    Potential US Stimulus Package – A list of proposed transportation projects is being developed by CDTC and NYSDOT Region 1 to be submitted for consideration in the US Stimulus Package.  The Planning Committee will discuss the list and decide whether to move it forward.  All municipal leaders and planners are encouraged to attend the Planning Committee meeting to participate in the process. 


E. Troy announced that part of the $700 billion bailout bill is a $20-a-month, tax-free reimbursement from their employers for bicycle-related expenses, in return, employers will be able to deduct the expense from their federal taxes.


1.3    Local Project Updates

1.3.1 Altamont Linkage - The last public meeting was held on Thursday, Jan. 8 and the final plan is anticipated to be finished in the coming weeks.


1.3.2 City of Albany Linkage – The first public workshop is scheduled for Wednesday Feb. 25 at the Albany Public Library Main Branch.  There will be an open house from 4:30-6:30 pm followed by a workshop and presentation at 6:30 – 8:00 pm. 


1.4    They just don’t get it… - nothing to report.


1.5 Other New Businesses

1.5.1 New Agenda Items or ideas for future meeting discussion/presentation topics should be forwarded to Jason.


The Cornell Local Roads Program is sponsoring a “Complete Streets: Safer Communities for Pedestrians and Bicycles” workshop on Tuesday, January 27 at 4pm in Saratoga County ( 


E. Troy announced that the NYS Open Space Plan ( is open for public comment.  There will be a public meeting for the Capital Region on January 21 at NYS DEC Regional Headquarters located at 1130 North Westcott Rd, Schenectady from 6:30 – 8:30 pm.  Comments can also be submitted via email.


The Statewide Safe Routes to School committee is working on an action plan for working with NYSDOT to build the principles of Safe Routes to School into the Statewide Plan. 


N. Ronsvalle announced that there will be a Champlain Canalway Trail Public Workshop on Thursday January 22 at the Town of Saratoga Town Hall from 2:00 – 7:00 pm. 


J. Purvis announced that a Statewide MPO bicycle/pedestrian coordinator meeting will be held at CDTC on Wednesday, January 28.  The discussion will be shared at the February Task Force meeting.      


R. Maholtra announced that a solicitation for Scenic Byway grants has been released.  Contact Raj for more information ( / 388-0420).



2.0  Upcoming Events


The next CDTC Bicycle and Pedestrian Task Force meeting is scheduled for February 3, 2009 @ 4:30 PM.