Capital District Transportation Committee

Bicycle and Pedestrian Task Force

Record of Meeting on February 9, 2010


Attendance: Don Odell (Albany Bicycling Coalition), Jeff Gritsavage (NYSDOT), Jason Purvis (CDTC), Todd Fabozzi (CDRPC), Carrie Ward (CDTA), Fred Mastroianni (Greenman-Pedersen Inc.), Devin DalPos (Saratoga County Trails Committee), Christine Marshall (Village of Altamont), Rob Leslie (Town of Bethlehem), Raj Malhotra (NYSDOT Region 1), Elaine Troy (NYSDOH Healthy Heart)


1.0   New Business


1.1 TIP Update Status – Jason shared the status of the TIP projects prioritized for funding by the Planning Committee.  At the time of the Task Force meeting, the Planning Committee had programmed $75M in highway type projects.  The remaining $75M (round 2) was to be programmed on February 10th.  All remaining projects that were not programmed in Round 1 were eligible for Round 2 regardless of initial scoring/ranking.  Round 2 will address balance in project type, geographic balance, and extenuating circumstances.


The Task Force drafted comments to be shared with the Planning Committee urging the selection/prioritization of bicycle and pedestrian projects.  The exact language is below:

The Bike-Ped Task Force unanimously requested that they would like the CDTC to take leadership in promoting bicycle and pedestrian facility development and use by, in this round of funding, proportioning the amount dedicated to specific bike-ped projects and bike-ped elements of highway projects at a considerably higher level than that of past practices and those typical of other MPOs.



These meeting notes were drafted after the February 10th Planning Committee meeting.  At that meeting, there were lengthy discussions about how to proceed in programming.  The Planning Committee addressed existing and proposed set-asides before adjourning which covered about $20+/- M of the remaining $75.  Planning Committee will resume the programming at their April meeting.  All projects (including all of the bike/ped projects) that have not been programmed are still on the table for consideration.  The comments drafted by the Task Force (above) were copied and handed out at the Planning Committee meeting.




1.2 Bicycle Education – update – The final designs have been completed and printing quotes have been requested for the palm cards and the posters.  The website, is in the process of being developed and should be online around the same time the bus advertisements go out in early April. 


1.3 Bicycle Parking w/CDTA –There is a 50/50 match (up to $500) for bike racks for private businesses and 100% for public agencies.  Installation is not included but can be done through a CDTA-contractor and additional fee.  Applicants are responsible for making sure proper permits/variances are obtained before installing.  Applications and additional information can be found on the CDTA website at: Applications are due by March 12. 


1.4 2010 Bicycle/Pedestrian Benchmarking Report – Jason shared the report funded by the Center for Disease Control.  The report ranks states and large metropolitan areas in terms of bicycle and pedestrian safety.  The Task Force recognizes the report as a reference but cautions using the data without further research on how the statistics were generated.  The full report can be found on the web at


1.6 NYSHEPA Built Environment Task Force – Jason reported that the Built Environment Task Force has had their final meeting and final document/report should be released soon.  The goal of this group was to identify priorities and ways to improve policy to increase physical activity and nutrition.  There was a balance of agency representatives (those that can’t lobby) and not-for-profits (those that can lobby) to determine a course of action. 


1.7  2010 GTSC Walk/Bike Conference  The GTSC’s Walk Bike Conference is scheduled for Monday June 7th at the Hyatt Regency in Hauppauge NY.  The agenda includes the Capital Coexist campaign.  More information is available at  There will also be a Bike-Boat-Bike event on Sunday the 6th sponsored by the Suffolk Bicycling Group


1.8 Local Project Updates  

1.7.1 Route 50 Southern Gateway Study – Approximately 35 people attended the first public workshop in Saratoga Springs.  The consultant team is now working on taking the input received and developing alternative scenarios to move forward.  There will be a second public meeting in the spring.


1.9 “They just don’t get it….” –Nothing to report


1.9 Other New Business


1.9.1 If you have any ideas or suggestions for agenda items please contact Jason Purvis.


1.9.2 J. Clunie – NYBC is expanding their annual Legislative Breakfast into a statewide summit.  This year’s Summit is scheduled for Wednesday April 21st at the Legislative Office Building.  More information can be found at


J. Clunie is also looking for bicycle/pedestrian projects to be highlighted in the NYBC newsletter.  Information should be sent to


1.9.3 D. Dalpos – The final survey is being done for the Geyser Road Trail


1.9.4 The Task Force briefly discussed Michele Obama’s press conference “Let’s Move” where the First Lady addressed ways to curb the growing obesity rate in the US. 


1.9.5 R Leslie – Bethlehem is having a Bike Expo on May 8 @ 10am – 1pm at the Elm Ave Park.  Rob also mentioned that the Delaware Avenue Hamlet Study is looking at streetscape and design guidelines (including bike/ped) in the 4 Corners area of the Town.


1.9.6 It was discussed that public comments are being accepted related to the Rexford Bridge project along Route 146.  For more information, contact Rob Cherry at Region 1 at 388-0456.


1.9.7       The Downtown Albany BID newsletter included an article highlighting the Albany Bike Plan and Capital Coexist.


2.0  Upcoming Events – Next Bike-Ped Meeting is scheduled for March 9, 2010 at 4:30 pm.