Capital District Transportation Committee

Bicycle and Pedestrian Task Force

Record of Meeting on February 4, 2002


Attendance: Mark Cashman (MHCC/LAB), Andy Labruzzo (Albany Co. EDCHP), Kevin McLoughlin (HRV Greenway), Doug Melnick (CDCG), Don Odell (retired, citizen member), Bert Schou (CDTA), John Stangle (Village of Menands), Elaine Troy (NYSDOH Healthy Heart), Ivan Vamos (NYBC), Teresa La Salle (CDTC), Jason Purvis (CDTC)



D. Odell noted that his status be changed, he was not yet retired at the time of the last meeting.




3.1 Schenectady Urban Bike Route Master Plan: J. Purvis reported that the plan has been completed. The document is accessible via CDTC's website under Publications.

3.2 Regional Bike/Hike Map: J. Purvis announced that the map was complete and waiting for approval from the task force. Task force members were invited to make final comments and suggestions. The map was accepted with a handful of minor changes. T. La Salle will make the necessary revisions. CDTC's Planning Committee approved the map on February 6, 2002. Printers have been contacted and final selection will be made by the middle of February. A final product is expected by April.



4.1 Greenways Grant for Regional Bike Trail: The scope has been finalized and the contract has been signed. The RFP for the consultant portion is currently being worked on. Ideas and or input from task force members will be welcomed as part of the Regional Visioning aspect of the project. K. McLoughlin noted that this is part of an outreach process to bring groups together and get them thinking along the same lines. The goal is to coordinate the efforts of the following groups; Canalway Trail, CDTC's Bicycle Pedestrian Task Force, and the Intermunicipal Waterfront Committee. There may also be some volunteer needs. Site visits were made to on-road portions of the trail to ensure proper sign placement. Sign installation should begin in April. I. Vamos suggested that the Cohoes project might want to look at trail improvements. The federally funded road projects on Green Island will not affect sign placement. J. Purvis noted a slight routing change to the trail in Watervliet.

4.2 Bethlehem Crosswalk Campaign: The Bethlehem Pedestrian Safety Committee last met on Friday, February 1st. The Spring Campaign will be more expansive, with 12 projected locations for stanchion placement. CDTC is waiting for a listing of the twelve stanchion placement locations



5.1 Enhancement Evaluations: J. Purvis asked members for comments regarding discrepancies and missing elements in project proposals. K. McLoughlin noted the overall positive theme of proposals and their focus on walkable downtowns. Several members noted that some similar projects were self-identified as immediate needs and problems while others were not. Some projects were noted for lacking a bicycle pedestrian focus. J. Purvis noted that the total funding available should be similar to last year, around $2 million. Members noted that some of the larger projects may have to be scaled down to allow funding for several projects. Members inquired as to the feasibility of partial funding. J. Purvis stated that to the best of his knowledge partial funding was not available. J. Purvis noted that project recommendations would be approved at CDTC's March 6th Planning Committee Meeting. Members may be able to view the finalized list at the next meeting.

5.2 SPOT Improvement Program: J. Purvis noted that CDTC will be soliciting for applications soon. He asked the task force for suggestions on how to improve the administration process. Members agreed upon minimum dollar value for projects of $15,000. J. Purvis will discuss this further with CDTC staff and NYSDOT.

5.3 NYPCA Trail Finder Maps: J. Purvis noted that this website provides a statewide directory and maps of trails, divided into regions of the state.

5.4 NYSDOH Grant RFA: E. Troy announced that the NYSDOH Healthy Heart program is currently accepting applications for the Heart Disease Prevention through Promotion of Physical Activity and Good Nutrition Grant. The grant is open to all public sector and non-profit organizations in the state. Average awards are expected to be between $75,000 - 100,000, over a five year period. Funds are to be used for policy changes not construction. Proposals are due on March 27th. E. Troy noted that Amy Jesaitias is the contact for further information. More information can also be found on the NYSDOH's website. Several members inquired if CDTC would be able to apply for a grant in order to distribute the funds regionally. J. Purvis has verified that CDTC will not be able to.

5.5 Mohawk-Hudson Trail Accidental Drowning: J. Purvis noted that a portion of the trail had been closed due to icy and unsafe conditions. The trail was closed after a young man slid off the trail and into the Mohawk River. J. Purvis asked members if they had any recommendations to enhance the safety of the trail to prevent future accidents. Several members thought that some type of fencing might be necessary at certain locations that are open and expansive with no vegetation to serve as a buffer.