The following are additional Statewide Cooperative Initiative (SCI) studies partly funded with CDTC’s PL funds.  The SCI program is a joint program of the state’s thirteen MPOs, with funding provided from each MPO and administration provided by a single MPO for each effort on behalf of the group.

1.         Statewide MPO Association Staff Support (CDTC administered contract; see Task 1.68)

2.         Integrated Transportation and Community Design (CDTC administered contract; see Task 5.85)

3.         Bicycle Service Quantification (CDTC administered contract; see Task 5.20)


4.         Transit Oriented Development


This task will include a consultant evaluation of obstacles to achieving “transit supportive development” in New York.  As part of this task, three case study municipalities will be selected for sketch planning toward the transit-supportive goal.  Tentative budget:  $165,000.


5.         Innovative Approaches to Planning Implementation


This task will include a consultant evaluation of techniques used (a) to ensure that products of planning studies are brought to the TIP table; and (b) to consider non-traditional project types during TIP development.  Tentative budget:  $100,000.


6.         Training for MPO Staffs (continuing)


The NYSMPO will continue to provide for training opportunities for MPO staffs, extending previous successful work with GIS training and freight data training.  The 2006-07 budget for this is $150,000.


7.         Congestion Management System Research (completed in 2005-06)


8.         Intercity Corridor Planning (deferred)


9.         Statewide ITS Planning Integration (deferred)


10.       AMPO


$2,183  (2006/07) and $2182 (2007/08) of CDTC FHWA PL funds are redistributed to BMTS, which pays AMPO dues on behalf of all NYS MPOs.


In addition to the Shared Cost Initiatives, NYSDOT SPR activities are often directly applicable to the Capital District.  These have not been identified as of February 2006.