Narratives on the following pages highlight only the additional 2007-08 work effort added to the 2006 – 2008 UPWP.  Detailed discussion of accomplishments for all tasks is included in semi-annual progress reports.  Task budgets for all tasks are shown in the financial tables.




TASK 3.77          New Visions 2030 / New Visions for a Quality Region/ New Visions 2035 or 2040


The allocation of federal funds increased for 2007-2008 to cover costs related to this ongoing effort which will be completed during 2007.  Next steps include circulating a summary document tying together the results of the working groups’ efforts, working through various means to add detail to the hypothetical big idea / big ticket initiatives from Working Group C, and updating CDTC’s estimates of resource availability and unit costs through the Transportation Finance Task Force.  The discussion and debate will continue in 2007-08, with the conclusion being a draft plan circulated for public review and adoption by CDTC. 


A New Visions 2035 or 2040 effort will be initiated during the 2007-08 period.  It will be the first to fully reflect SAFETEA-LU requirements for early participation of outside resource agencies (NYSDEC, EPA, SHPO, etc.).  CDTC will make efforts to bring the New Visions 2030 work into compliance with SAFETEA-LU to the extent possible.



TASK 3.01          Safety and Congestion Management Systems


The allocation of federal funds increased for 2007-2008 to cover costs related to this ongoing effort.  The approach for the safety effort will be modeled after the development of the New Visions plan.  Work continues toward creation of a Safety Advisory Committee as detailed in the full 2006 – 2008 UPWP.