The following are additional Statewide Cooperative Initiative (SCI) studies partly funded with CDTC’s PL funds.  The SCI program is a joint program of the state’s thirteen MPOs, with funding provided from each MPO and administration provided by a single MPO for each effort on behalf of the group.

1.         Statewide MPO Association Staff Support (CDTC administered contract; see Task 1.68)

2.         Integrated Transportation and Community Design (CDTC administered contract; see Task 5.85)

3.         Additional Statewide Data Collection (high tech)


The Binghamton Metropolitan Transportation Study (BMTS) completed a $150,000 statewide contract to survey the current state of the practice and develop recommendations.  Follow-up refinement and implementation of technology-driven data collection is also scheduled to begin in 2005-06; $100,000 is reserved for this activity.  A RFP is under development.


Budget:  $100,000 (05-06).


4.         Exploration of Factors Influencing Future Travel Behavior (carryover)


See task 5.10.


5.         ITS Operations and Management Integration Strategies (carryover)


This reflects a statewide effort to pursue strategies for integrating system operations and management activities into the MPO process.  As transportation system emphasis increasingly moves away from construction of capital solutions to mobility problems and toward operational actions, there is a clear need to integrate the MPO process and operational activities. 


Current discussions are focusing on linking this work to current NYSDOT statewide planning work on ITS strategies.  A scope for the shared-cost project will be developed in collaboration with NYSDOT.  Budget: $150,000.


6.         Training for MPO Staffs (continuing)


The NYSMPO will continue to provide for training opportunities for MPO staffs, extending previous successful work with GIS training and freight data training.  The 2005-06 budget for this is $100,000.


7.         Congestion Management System Research


A new Shared Cost Initiative for 2005-06 is research into Congestion Management System practices.  The effort will seek to identify and share alternative successful practices with regard to metropolitan CMS work.  The budget for this effort is $80,000.


8.         Intercity Corridor Planning (carryover)


In anticipation of planning needs related to NYSDOT’s new organizational structure, the NYS MPOs have reserved $100,000 for a shared cost initiative that would partner with NYSDOT commitment of State Planning and Research (SPR) funds.  The joint initiative would seek to explore and define roles and responsibilities with regard to planning and programming actions on strategic intercity trade corridors within metropolitan areas.


In addition to the Shared Cost Initiatives, NYSDOT SPR activities are often directly applicable to the Capital District.  The one applicable to CDTC for 2005-06 is listed below.


Border Crossings and International Trade Corridor Tasks


NYSDOT will advance a number of activities dealing with border crossings and international trade a significant component is the I-87 corridor.  Activities will include a joint working group effort with the Ministry of Transport in Quebec and the Eastern Border Transportation Coalition, discussions with Transport Canada toward a bi-national working group, and consultant work on a Statewide Multimodal and Integrated Plan for the Borders and Trade Corridors Program.  Work on the Port of Excellence is also expected.  The budget is $500,000.