Table 4

Capital District Transportation Committee
Transportation Improvement Program

Fiscal Constraint By Fund Source By Program Year (2016-20)
All funds are in matched millions of dollars.
Updated 02-25-2016, 3:03 PM

1st Year: 2016-17 2nd Year: 2017-18 3rd Year: 2018-19 4rd Year: 2019-20 Total: 2016-20
Fund Source Amount Available Overprog-
Amount Available Overprog-
Amount Available Overprog-
Amount Available Overprog-
Amount Available Overprog-
National Hwy Performance Program 32.432 -18.699 32.432 -18.699 32.432 -18.699 32.445 -18.712 129.741 -74.809
STP Flexible 15.027 -11.434 15.027 -11.434 15.027 -11.434 10.295 -6.702 55.376 -41.004
HSIP Safety 2.831 -2.498 2.831 -2.498 2.831 -2.498 2.595 -2.262 11.088 -9.756
STP NFA Bridges 1.146 -1.146 1.146 -1.146 1.146 -1.146 0.880 -0.880 4.318 -4.318
STP Urban 10.877 -6.064 10.877 -6.064 10.877 -6.064 8.580 -3.767 41.211 -21.959
Total 62.313 -39.841 62.313 -39.841 62.313 -39.841 54.795 -32.323 241.734 -151.846

The 'Amount Available' is the amount of authorized federal funds (including match), including carryover funds from the period prior to 2016-17.

'Overprogrammed' is the difference between the amount available and the amount programmed. Negative numbers indicate underprogramming. The fiscal constraint data above is shown only for the years and federal fund sources for which it applies. Amounts available are based upon the historic Capital District shares of amounts allocated to NYSDOT Region 1.

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