Table 4

Capital District Transportation Committee
Transportation Improvement Program

Fiscal Constraint By Fund Source By Program Year (2007-11)
All funds are in millions of dollars.
Updated 06-08-2010, 3:45 PM

1st Year: 2007-08 2nd Year: 2008-09 3rd Year: 2009-10 4rd Year: 2010-11 Total: 2007-11
Fund Source Amount Available Overprog-
Amount Available Overprog-
Amount Available Overprog-
Amount Available Overprog-
Amount Available Overprog-
National Highway System 17.770 -17.510 17.936 -12.081 18.479 -6.348 19.045 -10.485 73.230 -46.424
Interstate Maintenance 16.125 30.545 16.265 8.458 16.753 12.913 17.263 22.782 66.406 74.698
STP Flexible 26.217 -20.407 24.713 -5.408 19.996 8.625 20.992 -14.555 91.918 -31.745
HSIP Safety 1.123 -0.462 3.229 -1.026 2.514 4.388 2.591 -1.352 9.457 1.548
STP Urban 5.853 -2.454 5.844 -5.695 6.020 -2.675 6.209 1.891 23.926 -8.933
STP Small Urban Area 0.744 1.210 0.744 -0.744 0.766 -0.766 0.789 -0.789 3.043 -1.089
STP Rural 1.781 -1.781 1.781 -1.781 1.830 -1.830 1.892 -1.892 7.284 -7.284
Congestion Mitigation/Air Quality 21.718 -9.965 6.513 3.616 6.610 3.401 6.413 6.310 41.254 3.362
Section 5307 12.964 -0.163 13.785 -0.929 14.703 6.947 15.683 5.017 57.135 10.872
Section 5307 Transit Enhancement 0.130 -0.026 0.138 -0.030 0.147 0.003 0.157 -0.007 0.572 -0.060
Section 5307 For Saratoga Springs 0.910 -0.071 0.967 -0.058 1.031 -0.525 1.100 -0.564 4.008 -1.218
Total 105.335 -21.084 91.915 -15.678 88.849 24.133 92.134 6.356 378.233 -6.273

The 'Amount Available' is the amount of authorized federal funds (including match), including carryover funds from the period prior to 2007-08.

'Overprogrammed' is the difference between the amount available and the amount programmed. Negative numbers indicate underprogramming. The fiscal constraint data above is shown only for the years and federal fund sources for which it applies. Amounts available are based upon the historic Capital District shares of amounts allocated to NYSDOT Region 1.

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