1999-04 TIP Document Table of Contents


Adopted Resolution #99-2 - Resolution of CDTC Regarding Self-Certification

Adopted Resolution #99-3 - Resolution of CDTC Endorsing the TIP


Section I - Narratives

Introduction and Overview

Overview of the Capital District Transportation Committee

Overview of the Transportation Improvement Program

1999-04 TIP Update

Fiscal Balance and the 1999-04 TIP

The 1999-04 TIP Update Process

Changes to Federal Transportation Funding Law


Operating Assistance

Enhancement Projects

Eligibility for Highway Funds

NYSDOT/Amtrak Rail Initiative

Local Option to Advance Project Design

Financing Agreement for Albany-Shaker Road And Watervliet-Shaker Road Projects


The CDTC-NYSDOT-County-Town TIP Agreement

Enhancement Projects

TEA-21 Enhancement Program

Enhancement-Type Projects Funded with Flexible Funds

New Visions and the TIP

Development of New Visions

Meeting Regional Goals through TIP Programming

Programming Principles

Addition of New Projects in Program Development

Project Selection from, Monitoring, and Amending, the TIP

Planning and Programming for the Elderly & Disabled

Introduction and Overview

Ongoing and New Initiatives

Regional Emissions Impact of the CDTC TIP


Methodology Used to Model the Emission Impacts of the TIP and New Visions

Status of New TIP Projects

Air Quality Impacts of the TIP and the New Visions Plan


Consideration of the TEA-21 Seven planning Issues


Support the Economic Vitality of the United States

Increase the Safety and Security of the Transportation System

Increase Accessibility and Mobility Options

The Environment, Energy Conservation and Quality of Life

The Connectivity of the Transportation System Across and Between Modes

System Management and Operation

Preservation of the Existing Transportation System


Section II - Financial Summary Tables (Currently Unavailable Online)


Section III - Project Listings


Section IV - Appendicies

Appendix A - Transit Project Details

Appendix B - Glossary

Names and Titles

TIP Number Prefixes

Project Type


Responsible Agency

Miscellaneous Abbreviations

Funding Sources

Other Notes

Functional Classification

Plan Reference

Appendix C - Federal Funding Programs

Title I (Surface Transportation)

Title III (Mass Transit)

Title VI (Motor Carrier Act)

Appendix D - Funding Source Splits

Appendix E - Project Candidates

Appendix F - Public Comments

Appendix G - Selection of New Projects


Screening Process


Consistency with TEA-21, and CDTC and Local Plans

Provision of Local Matching Funds

Defined Scope and Timing

Meeting an Identified Need

Federal-Aid Eligibility

Merit Evaluation Criteria

Programming Criteria and Principles

Geographic and Sponsor Distribution

Commitments Beyond Five Years

CDTC's FTA Section 5307 Project Selection Process

Private Sector Participation in the Transit TIP

Appendix H - The Evaluation Procedure

Benefit/Cost Calculations


Safety Benefits

Travel Time Savings

Energy and User Cost Savings

Life Cycle Cost Savings

Other Benefits

Total Benefit/Cost Ratio

Bicycle/Pedestrian Project Merit Evaluation Methodology

Potential Market for Bike and Pedestrian Travel


Potential Safety Benefit

Potential Emissions Reductions

Non-quantified project benefits

Congestion Relief

Air Quality Benefit

Regional System Linkage

Land Use Compatibility (Planned or Existing)

Contribution to Community or Economic Development

Environmental Issues

Business or Housing Dislocations

Facilitation of Bicycling

Facilitation of Walking

Facilitation of Goods Movement

Facilitation of Transit Use

Facilitation of Intermodal Transfers

Screening Issues

Match and Maintenance

Other Considerations

Appendix I - Project Justification Package

Appendix J - Enhancement Evaluations

Ranging Structure Overview

Structure Basis

Test Application of Evaluation Structure

Ranging Structure Details

Appendix K - Locations of Projects in the Listings
