Appendix G - CDTC's Selection Process for New Projects




Project sponsors are required to complete the Project Justification Package in Appendix I. Information provided by the sponsors is used to determine if the projects meet screening criteria and produce merit evaluations. Every project is required to meet all of the screening requirements before progressing to merit evaluation. Those passing the screening test are categorized according to type, following the general organization of the budget categories in the New Visions Regional Transportation Plan, namely:




Transit Support


Community Compatibility/Economic Development

Congestion Relief

Bicycle and Pedestrian


The projects are then evaluated for merit. The results of the merit evaluations are used by CDTC to choose which projects receive funding.





Screening Process





The following are the screening criteria that must be met for a project to advance to merit evaluations:


    1. Consistency with TEA-21, and CDTC and local plans,
    2. Provision of local matching funds,
    3. Defined scope and timing
    4. Meeting an identified need
    5. Federal-aid eligibility



Consistency with TEA-21, and CDTC and Local Plans


Regional Transportation Plan: Each proposed project was required to be consistent with the RTP. For the 1999-04 TIP, the relevant RTP was the New Visions Regional Transportation Plan, adopted in March 1997. New Visions includes a set of 25 Planning and Investment Principles to guide capital programming, in addition to 10 strategies (with 43 implementing actions, long and short term). Consistency with these principles and strategies was required to insure that the New Visions implementation.


Major projects with system level impacts are not considered for TIP programming unless they are a recommended action from New Visions or a sub-area or corridor study. Some of these projects may be further subject to a Major Investment Study (MIS) in order to progress towards implementation.


All capacity increasing projects should be consistent with the Congestion Management System (CMS). CDTC has performed extensive analysis of existing congestion in the Capital Region, as documented in CDTC's Metropolitan Congestion Management System: A Structured Approach to Addressing Congestion Issues in Regional Transportation Plan Development, Short-Range Programming and the Management System, which was adopted by the CDTC in December of 1995. CDTC's priority is to address existing congestion problems, with projected future congestion being a lesser priority, subject to a "risk analysis" (See New Visions Congestion Management Principles for more information).


Boundary Compatibility: Each proposed project is required to be consistent/complimentary with the facility (or proposed facility) in the adjacent jurisdiction if the project is near or crosses a jurisdictional boundary.


Land Use Linkage: Linear capacity improvements are required to be linked to local land use management. To maximize the effectiveness of existing facilities, a plan or commitment to access management, construction of new local streets or provision of supplemental transit services must be in place prior to major capacity work.


Public and Sponsor Support: All projects are required to be consistent with community desires as documented in local land use plans or other policy documents, at public meetings, or through other applicable means.


Seven Planning Issues of TEA-21: ISTEA established sixteen planning factors to be considered in the development of the TIP. TEA-21 summarizes these into seven planning issues. All projects were required to address at least one of these factors, as listed below:


    1. Support the economic vitality of the United States, the States and metropolitan areas, especially by enabling global competitiveness, productivity, and efficiency;

    3. Increase the safety and security of the transportation system for motorized and nonmotorized users;

    5. Increase the accessibility and mobility options available to people and freight;

    7. Promote and enhance the environment, promote energy conservation and improve quality of life;

    9. Enhance the integration and connectivity of the transportation system, across and between modes, for people and freight;

    11. Promote efficient system management and operation; and

    13. Emphasize the preservation of the existing transportation system.



Provision of Local Matching Funds


Project sponsors are required to be willing and able to provide the local matching funds. All fund sources are not required to be "in hand", but need to have a "reasonable expectation" of being in place by the year of programming. Specifically, the issue of the provision of the required 20% local match share is required to be directly addressed. Public/private financing possibilities should be addressed, if applicable. Transit operators are required by FTA to document financial capacity in the adopted TIP. All facilities that require an ongoing operating budget to be useful are required to demonstrate that such financial capacity exists.



Defined Scope and Timing


All projects are required to be well defined. Project limits, the intended scope of work, and the project concept needed to be clearly stated. Planning projects must have further defined longer-range federally eligible projects. Preliminary engineering and right-of-way are acceptable project phases, provided that the other screening requirements have been met for the project as a whole. Phases of larger construction projects are requested to be usable segments that will provide benefit to the traveler. Properly completing the Project Justification Package will satisfy these criteria.


Phases programmed in the TIP must able to be implemented by the end of the five-year programming period in that TIP.



Meeting an Identified Need


All projects are required to be justified based on meeting an identified transportation system need according to below criteria.


Bridge projects are required to meet NYSDOT criteria for a deficient bridge. This includes the following two conditions:


    1. Condition Rating: The current Federal Sufficiency rating must be less than "50.0", and either (B), (C), or (D) applies;


    1. State Condition Rating must be less than 3.5 by the year of programming, based on the current rating deteriorated at a rate of 0.1 points per year from the date of last inspection to the year of programming; or

    3. Structure has one or more primary (critical) structural features rated "2" or less, based on its last inspection, or


(D) The municipality can demonstrate some deficiency not covered in (B) or (C), which makes major rehabilitation or replacement mandatory within 5 years.


    1. Approach Work: Approach work should not exceed 25% of the structure cost, or total cost of structure. Approaches using federal-aid should not exceed twice the cost if the project were done with state or local funds.


Pavement Projects: Pavement projects are required to be of a scope that is consistent with implementation with federal-aid funds. Because the pavement condition score does not fully describe overall road conditions or substandard design features, pavement score is not used as a screening criterion, although it plays an influential role in project merit evaluation.


Mobility Projects: Mobility projects must address a Level of Service of E or below, either under current conditions or projected conditions in the year of programming, in order to be evaluated further.


Other Project Types: Other project types are based on the project justifications provided by the project sponsor. Wherever possible, this justification includes the results of existing management systems or other performance-based standards.



Federal-Aid Eligibility


All candidates must be eligible for either the STP or CMAQ program. Eligible types of projects are listed below. Changes due to TEA-21 are in bold italic typeface.

















According to the TEA-21 and additional guidance made available by the FHWA, eligibility for CMAQ funds is achieved by meeting any of the following criteria:




    1. programs for improved public transit;
    2. restriction of certain roads or lanes to, or construction of such roads or lanes for use by, passenger buses or high occupancy vehicles;
    3. employer-based transportation management plans, including incentives;
    4. trip reduction ordinances;
    5. traffic flow improvement programs that achieve emission reductions;
    6. fringe and transportation corridor parking facilities serving multiple occupancy vehicle programs or transit service;
    7. programs to limit or restrict vehicle use in downtown area or other areas of emission concentration particularly during periods of peak use;
    8. programs for the provision of all forms of high-occupancy, shared-ride services;
    9. programs to limit portions of road surfaces or certain sections of the metropolitan area to the use of non-motorized vehicles or pedestrian use, both as to time and place;
    10. programs for secure bicycle storage facilities and other facilities, including bicycle lanes, for the convenience and protection of bicyclists, in both public and private areas;
    11. programs to control extended idling of vehicles;
    12. programs to reduce motor vehicle emissions, consistent with Title II, which are caused by extreme cold start conditions;
    13. employer-sponsored programs to permit flexible work schedules;
    14. programs and ordinances to facilitate non-automobile travel, provision and utilization of mass transit, and to generally reduce the need for single-occupant vehicle travel, as part of transportation planning and development efforts of a locality, including programs and ordinances applicable to new shopping centers, special events, and other centers of vehicle activity;
    15. programs for new construction and major reconstruction of paths, tracks or areas solely for the use by pedestrian or other non-motorized means of transportation when economically feasible and in the public interest. For the purposes of this clause, the Administrator shall also consult with the Secretary of the Interior; and
    16. EXCLUDED BY TEA-21: programs to encourage the voluntary removal from use and the marketplace of pre-1980 model year light duty vehicles and pre-1980 model light duty trucks.







Merit Evaluation Criteria


Every project that meets the minimum requirements (screening criteria) is fairly evaluated. The merit evaluation procedure uses the best available information from CDTC's models, from corridor studies, and from project sponsors. Wherever possible, measures that cut across modes, such as relative cost effectiveness, are used. The qualitative benefits of projects are directly incorporated into this merit evaluation procedure. This merit evaluation emphasizes different project attributes, although the same criteria are used, for the following project types:



The data required for project analysis is outlined below.


Project merit evaluations are presented using a common format, as shown in the blank Project Evaluation Fact Sheet on page *. The merit evaluation procedure is detailed in Appendix H.




Figure 3

BLANK Project Fact Sheet










COST: $ . M (total) $ M (federal)










(Assumes year life)





























Programming Criteria and Principles


The TIP as a whole, must, according to federal law, conform to the Federal Clean Air Act, be financially "reasonable", be consistent with the long-range plan, and address seven planning issues spelled out in TEA-21. Conformity with the Federal Clean Air Act must be determined, in cooperation with NYSDOT, using a methodology developed cooperatively by NYSDOT and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). This methodology, which uses CDTC's Systematic Evaluation and Planning (STEP) model to estimate PM peak hour Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) and speed data, incorporates projected changes in land use and population and emissions estimates from the Environmental Protection Agency's MOBILE 5B software. Model runs are done after the TIP had been formulated. Financial "reasonability" is determined both at the project level and for the program as a whole. Consistency with the long range plan is determined on a project level at the time projects were screened for inclusion in the TIP, and the implementation of New Visions goals and objectives was one of the primary programming considerations, as outlined below. In addition, the Air Quality conformity analysis included examination of the long-range plan that has the five-year TIP as a component. An analysis of how the following methodology addresses the TEA-21 seven planning issues is found on page *.


The goal of CDTC is to produce a "balanced" TIP that contributes to implementation of the New Visions plan. Federal regulations (23 CFR §450(l)) state that "Procedures or agreements that distribute sub-allocated STP or Section 9 funds to individual jurisdictions or modes within the metropolitan area by predetermined percentages or formulas are inconsistent with the ISTEA provisions that require MPO's in cooperation with the State and transit operators to develop a prioritized and financially constrained TIP unless they can be clearly shown to be based on considerations required to be addressed as part of the planning process." The CDTC approach meets both the letter and spirit of federal regulations by allowing CDTC to look at the array of projects and their relative merit, and to establish a program that best implements the range of goals included in the RTP. The following criteria/principles were intended to produce the best possible program of projects to benefit the Capital District transportation system, regardless of mode.



Geographic and Sponsor Distribution


The STP and CMAQ programs have minimal requirements for geographic distribution of funding. In fact, federal regulations specifically state that geographic formula distribution of STP funds is inconsistent with the intent of the ISTEA. Therefore, Considerations of geographic equity must stem from considerations addressed in the planning process. CDTC based its programming decisions upon relative project merit and the balanced attainment of progress towards long-range goals -- not on geographic considerations apart from New Visions.



Commitments Beyond Five Years


An emphasis on implementation of the long range plan goals and objectives should not lead to a program that creates larger future funding commitments than funds can reasonably be expected to be available. This is consistent with, and a reflection of, ISTEA Section 134 (h)(5), which states that "The program shall include a project, or an identified phase of a project, only if full funding can reasonably be anticipated to be available for the project within the time period contemplated for completion of the project."



CDTC's FTA Section 5307 Project Selection Process


The Capital District Transportation Authority (CDTA) is primarily responsible for submitting the requests to CDTC for transit related funded projects. This includes transit operating assistance, equipment and support facilities. Unlike the project selection process for flexible funds described above, CDTC defers to the judgement of CDTA, the region’s public transit operator, for project recommendations for dedicated transit funding from the state and federal governments.


Candidate capital projects are identified through transit improvement studies and evaluations of fleet and other capital requirements, keeping in mind transit development goals and supporting objectives established as part of CDTA's Capital Planning Process. CDTA maintains a short-range transit capital plan that identifies a series of actions and strategies that provide the basis for coordinating and prioritizing CDTA transit capital improvements. The TIP follows directly from the plan and generally is a simple project listing. Details of CDTA’s capital program components are included in Appendix A. The final decisions regarding project inclusion in the program are made by CDTC on a recommendation from the Planning Committee.



Private Sector Participation in the Transit TIP


Projects proposed by private operators are also entertained under CDTC's TIP process, in accordance with CDTC's Private Operators Policy, adopted on February 19, 1987. For these projects, public sponsorship is a prerequisite for receiving federal or state financial assistance. Programming of funds by CDTC is based on the priority of the service need and on integration of the service into the regional transit system. CDTC's Private Operators Policy also identifies a set of policies and evaluation criteria with which to review private operators proposes. Involvement in the planning process is encouraged through routine notification of private operators. Privately operating commuter services obtaining public capital assistance in this TIP is project SA134, under the sponsorship of Saratoga County for six replacement buses for Northway service.