Capital District

Transportation Committee                                                                                     December 31, 2014      






DATE/TIME: September 30, 2014, 1:30 pm.  CDTC offices


ATTENDANCE: Kristin Shanahan, Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance; Bill Garrison, Center for Disability Services, Mike Barry, Center for Disability Services; Todd Finkle, Rensselaer ARC; Rick Jordan, Wheels and Ways to Work – Catholic Charities;  Bryan Baszczuk, Adult Career and Continuing Education Services-Vocational Rehabilitation; Monika Boeckmann, Senior Services of Albany; Phyllis Relyea, Northeast Parent and Child; Mary Ellen Casey Usis, Capital District Transportation Authority; Edna Pettit, Capital District Transportation Authority; Carrie Ward, Capital District Transportation Committee; Mark Sheehan, Schenectady ARC; Steve Eppelmann, Schenectady ARC; Brian Schneider, Warren Washington Albany NYSARC Inc; Rocco Ferraro, Capital District Regional Planning Committee;  Margo Mahoski, Catholic Charities Schenectady; Tom Vaughan, NYS Department of Transportation; Anne Benware, Capital District Transportation Committee




1.                  The meeting minutes from the January 2014 RTCC meeting were accepted.


2.              Review of DRAFT Coordinated Public Transit-Human Services Transportation Plan Update:  

The group had received an electronic version of the 92 page draft coordinated plan prior to the meeting.  The purpose of this meeting was to review specific sections as indicated on the meeting agenda. 


Anne noted that the suggestions from the group for the plan framework made at the January 2014 meeting were incorporated into this draft by staff.  That meeting had included a detailed review and discussion of both the demographic data available from the 2010 Census and 5 year American Community Survey and the 2011 Human Service Agency Survey.  Today’s meeting did not include a review of that information – however, it was noted that the Committee’s suggestions in January to add graphics/charts, maps and better descriptions for both the demographic data discussion and the survey were included in this Draft coordinated plan.  Anne asked the group to send any additional comments to either Carrie or herself if there are items that should be revised, added, etc.  


Draft Goals discussion, suggestions for changes – the group had several suggestions for revisions, including adding some wording to reflect the importance of land use decisions and their impact on transportation, among others.


In discussing the Inventory of Existing Services and what’s missing, the group suggested several additions, including the new dialysis center at St. James Square in Niskayuna.


Review of Recent State Initiatives – with respect to this section, Tom Vaughan pointed out that the entire write up referencing the MISCC or Most Integrated Setting Coordinating Council  should be replaced with information from the Olmstead Cabinet Report.  That report, in effect, replaces the MISCC report and reflects the most up to date information on how state agencies are planning to serve people with disabilities in the “most integrated setting”.  

The group also asked that information on the impacts of managed care on transportation services for transportation disadvantaged populations be included in the draft plan.

Tom Vaughan suggested that representatives of the Office for People with Development Disabilities (OPWDD), specifically someone from the local Developmental Disabilities Regional Office be invited to RTCC meetings.


It was recommended that in Section 6.3 of the draft Plan “Barriers to Use of Fixed Route Transit” that access issues to pedestrian facilities and transit such as snow clearance problems be included. It was also suggested that educating human service agency staff on CDTA routes through travel training should be recommended in the plan.


Under Draft Strategies it was recommended that a strategy to prioritize funding for TIP (Transportation Improvement Program) projects that include bringing pedestrian facilities into ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) compliance be included.  It was also suggested that innovative approaches to maintaining sidewalks and clearing them of snow be considered; some areas use inmate work crews to clear snow.


In terms of public input on the draft Coordinated Plan, it was suggested that we should reach out to and visit places where people already congregate.  Input from organizations in each of the four counties and their rural areas should be sought.


3. Update on 5310 Program: Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities:

    Tom reported that the solicitation will be out as soon as possible.  Three years of funding will

    available (2013, 2014 and 2015).


4. Next Steps and Plans for Next Meeting:

Anne told the group that she and Carrie would work on revising the draft plan based on comments from today’s meeting and those that are received over the next few weeks.  Once the revisions are made the revised Draft Coordinated Plan will be sent back to the RTCC for any additional review and will also be sent out to different groups asking for input.  Carrie and Anne will write up a draft public input plan with more specifics and circulate that to the group as well.  It is anticipated that the next RTCC meeting will be held in early 2015 and that public outreach will start in earnest at that time as well.