Capital District

Transportation Committee                      February 8, 2006


Administrative & Financial Standing Subcommittee


Meeting Minutes

December 21, 2005




Steve Bland, Capital District Transportation Authority

Charles Houghtaling, Albany County

Mayor John T. McDonald III, City of Cohoes (Chairman)

Bob Phillips, Saratoga County (Vice-Chairman)

John Poorman, Capital District Transportation Committee

Tom Werner, NYSDOT Region 1




Minutes of the October 19, 2005 Meeting


Chairman McDonald called the meeting to order at approximately 3:05 p.m.  Members approved the minutes of the October 19, 2005 meeting as written.


Status of Health Practices Implementation


John Poorman reported that work with CDTA is progressing smoothly for implementation of all the new health practices (employee contributions, dental coverage, flexible spending accounts) by January 1.  Regarding other policies offered by AFLAC in conjunction with its administration of the flexible spending accounts, Mr. Poorman has discussed options with CDTA staff and the other policies (beyond cancer insurance) will be explored after January 1.




Status of Cash Flow


Mr. Poorman reported that there is a net cash flow level of $472,400.  Billings and payments will continue to be monitored for timeliness.


2004-05 Audit Report


Members agreed to accept the draft report which had been distributed in October.  The report will be forwarded to CDTC’s state and federal oversight agencies.  Members requested that the auditors present the report in the future, to allow for open discussion if necessary.  Mr. Poorman agreed to arrange this for next year.



2006 Staffing Plans


Mr. Poorman proposed no changes to the staff structure or number of individuals by position for 2006.  He noted that one staff member (Shelley Lang) will continue to work 80% time and that another (Anne Benware) will return to full-time as of January 1.


2006 Salary Schedule


Mr. Poorman distributed material regarding the salary range by position and the effects of alternative percentage changes.  Discussion ensued regarding comparability with NYSDOT grades, salaries and responsibilities.  After discussion, members approved a 3% adjustment to the salary structure for 2006.  Members also approved a 3% increase for the Staff Director.




Fred Field Award


Members agreed to serve again as the awards committee to solicit and review nominations for the Fred Field Award, to be presented in the Spring of 2006.


NYSMPO Administration Contract


Mr. Poorman distributed a review of the budget for services by Sarah J. Siwek & Associates on behalf of the NYSMPO Association.  CDTC holds the contract for the Association.  The Association has reviewed the past and projected workload for Sarah Siwek and has agreed to increase the budget to $175,000 for 2006-07.  This will require an amendment to the CDTC contract.  Members approved the revision.


Revised Meeting Schedule


Mr. Poorman raised the possibility of adjusting the CDTC meeting schedule.  The new schedule would result in Policy Board meetings on the first Thursday of March, June, September and December.  Members indicated that the new schedule would pose no problem, if the staff and the Planning Committee determined it would be preferable to the existing calendar of meetings.


There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at approximately 3:55 p.m.


Respectfully Submitted,




John P. Poorman

Staff Director