What We Do

Bicycle & Pedestrian

Bicycle and pedestrian travel is vital to the region's public health, transportation, and the economy. CDTC supports safe walking and biking facilities and provides educational resources.

Complete Streets

Complete Streets are designed and operated to enable safe access for all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, motorists, and public transportation system users of all ages and abilities.

Environment & Equity

Transportation investments must improve or preserve the region’s cultural and natural environment. Ensuring equity in transportation system planning and project programming is essential.

Freight & Goods Movement

The region's freight and goods movement system is crucial to the economy; it will be efficient, automated, and designed to minimize negative impacts on the region's communities. 

Learning Center

CDTC's planning efforts draw on a wealth of information, from planning studies to white papers to peer reviewed research journals. The Learning Center offers an estensive set of transportation planning resources.

Linkage Program

CDTC’s Community and Transportation Linkage Planning Program (the Linkage Program) provides financial and technical assistance to local communities for integrated land use and transportation planning.


The New Visions Plan recognizes that managing traffic flows is critical for the health of the region. Reliable traffic flow is more important than reducing congestion – traffic congestion is often a sign of a region's economic vitality.

Performance Management

Performance Management uses goals, measures, and data to make better informed decisions about how to invest transportation funding into projects and programs. 

Road & Bridge Infrastructure

Maintenance of road and bridge infrastructure is of critical importance to the regions' continued economic success and mobility. 

Safety & Security

CDTC's safety planning initatives include a Local Road Safety Action Plan and numerous programs that support a safe and secure transportation system. 

Smart Communities

Smart Communities embrace technology, data and applications to prepare for a future transportation system that moves people and goods efficiently.

Technical Assistance

CDTC provides a variety of technical assistance to communities including through a Community Planning Technical Assistance Program.

Transit-Human Services

Efficient public transit is critical to providing access to jobs and services. CDTC is required to maintain a coordinated public transit-human services transportation plan.