ANNOUNCEMENT! As of June 1, 2023, we are now the Capital Region Transportation Council.    Learn more

Transportation Plans

New Visions 2050 

CDTC is updating its regional transportation plan through the year 2050. New Visions 2050 will define a shared vision of the region's future and will describe the transportation investments needed to support that vision. The draft plan is available for public review and comment.

Transportation Improvement Program (TIP)

The TIP is a multi-year program of federally funded transportation projects that implement New Visions 2040, the regional transportation plan. The current TIP covers the five year period between October 1, 2019 and September 30, 2024. Searchable project listings and an interactive TIP project map are available.

Completed Linkage Program Plans

CDTC’s Community and Transportation Linkage Planning Program (the Linkage Program) provides financial and technical assistance to local communities for land use and transportation planning. Final reports and an interactive planning study location map are available.

CDTC Planning Documents

CDTC produces a number of documents and reports per federal requirements. These reports and plans are developed through objective analysis and public participation, ensuring a transparent transportation planning process.  

Our Partners Planning Documents

State and regional agencies, local governments and other regional stakeholders prepare plans relevant to CDTC's transportation planning activities. CDTC provides links to many of these plans.