Capital District Transportation Committee

Bicycle and Pedestrian Task Force

Record of Meeting on November 13th.


Attendance: Don Robertson (NYSDOT Region 1), Doug Melnick (Capital District Community Gardens), Bert Schou (CDTA), Don Odell (Albany County), Andy Labruzzo (Albany County), Don DeCecco (happily retired), John Stangle (Village of Menands), Ivan Vamos (NYBC), Mark Cashman (MHCC/LAB), Kevin McLoughlin (Hudson River Greenway), Judy Breselor (Hudson River Greenway), Deb Spicer (NYSDOH), Elaine Troy (NYSDOH Healthy Heart), Jesse Day (CDTC), Jason Purvis (CDTC)


There were no changes to the October Task Force meeting notes.



A copy of the thank you letter sent to Katherine Forster was passed around for everyone to view.

No update was given on the Aggressive Driver's Campaign on Route 20.



3.1 Schenectady Urban Bike Route Master Plan: The document is complete and had been distributed to the steering committee members. CDTC will put the full document on their website. A copy of the document was passed around.

3.2 Report on CDTA Bike Racks: CDTA is not giving up on getting bike racks on all of their buses but have to face budget constraints. CDTA would also appreciate feedback on the bike racks to help solve problems and complaints.

3.3 NYSDOH Initiatives: The pedestrian conference was held in Glens Falls November 8th and 9th. There were over 200 participants with a good mix of professionals including the GTSC, DOT, and MPO's. It was very successful and helpful.


4.1 Regional Bike/Hike Map: The Regional Bike/Hike Map was mentioned briefly. CDTC still plans to have the final version printed for the spring riding season.

4.2 Greenways Grant for Regional Bike Trail: Kevin McLoughlin, Barbara Kendall (Greenways Executive Director), and CDTC staff met to revise the scope. A list of priorities has been established. The main goal is to consolidate the plans discussed by municipalities to be sure each community is on the same page. The Greenways Council is working with Albany County Planning and DPW to get the on road signs constructed and installed.

4.3 Bethlehem Crosswalk Campaign: All of the data has been collected for the campaign. CDTC will analyze the data for the December 7th meeting. NYSDOT has gotten complaints about the stanchion at the Elsmere School. Traffic and Safety Engineers feel the crosswalk is too close to the intersection and in a 40-mph zone, so it should be removed. The stanchions will be put back up after the snow melts in the spring.



5.1 Signage Colors: Albany County would like to use CDTC's Bicycle Signage Guidelines for the on road portion of the signs. It was determined by the Task Force that using green and white would be the best option and it would be consistent with the MUTCD. Albany County will continue to work with the individual communities through the Intermunicipal Waterfront Committee.

5.2 Innovative Technology: Jason Purvis shared some articles regarding the use of flashing lights and/or bollards at mid-block crossings. It was agreed that finding a test site for this new technology would be a good idea. The Task Force will try to think of locations and Jason will try to contact other areas that have been successful with such a pilot program.

5.3 Menands: Ivan Vamos discussed his proposals to connect Menands with the Hudson River. Ivan had three detailed alternatives that may increase riverfront access. Both Troy and Menands have expressed an interest in his alternatives. John Stangle mentioned that Menands is working on a way to reduce the amount of lanes along Broadway. If the striping is completed, Menands will be looking for guidelines and recommendations for signage. NYSDOT thinks this is feasible.

5.4 Tivoli Park: NYSDOT has a concept plan to create a trail from the Corning Preserve to the 6-Mile Waterworks. There are right of way issues that need to be discussed. There is no funding for this project at this time. DOT has agreed to do a preliminary design.

5.5 Enhancements: The deadline for Enhancement applications was November 1, 2001. Region 1 received 38 applications. Twenty-five to thirty fall in CDTC's planning area. An evaluation team will be put together. Evaluations will probably start in January of 2002.




The next CDTC Bicycle and Pedestrian Task Force meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, December 11, 2001 at the CDTC office, 5 Computer Dr. West, at 4:30 p.m.