Capital District Transportation Committee

Bicycle and Pedestrian Task Force

Record of Meeting on July 17, 2007



Attendance: Martin Daley (Parks &Trails NY), Jim Levy (Latham Resident),  Raj Malhotra (NYSDOT Region 1), Joshua Poppel (NYBC),  John Stangle (Town of Colonie), Teresa La Salle (CDTC), Jason Purvis (CDTC)




The minutes from June’s meeting were approved without changes.




2.1 New Visions 2030—Discussion of status: J. Purvis noted that the Planning Committee approved the plan and the Policy Board approved the plan for Public Review.    After the Public Review period, the plan will go to the Policy Board in September for final approval which is expected to meet all SAFETEA-LU requirements.  CDTC will be engaging in extra public involvement activities throughout the fall.  The plan will undergo final reaffirming in December by the Policy Board. New Visions related content on CDTC’s Website will be updated and enhancements to the website are ongoing.


2.2 Task Force—Plan of Action:

2.2.1  Updating Priority Network

2.2.2  Working towards implementing Recommendations in Tool Box

            2.2.3   Community Needs?

            2.2.4   Others?


This discussion was delayed due to low attendance.  It will be revisited at the August meeting.


2.3 Safe Routes to School Training: NYSDOT is still working out the details of the program. 


2.4 Other New Business: 


J. Purvis reported that the Trail Survey is nearly complete. CDRPC is putting together the final document in PDF format.  Once the final document is approved CDTC will be distributing the document to all of the municipalities and counties in CDTC’s planning area. The document will also be available on CDTC’s website.


J. Poppel noted the efforts of the Safe Routes to School Program, headed by Justin Booth.


J. Stangle reported that construction has begun on the roundabout at Sand Creek Road and the entrance to Colonie Center.


M. Daley noted that the 2007 Cycling the Erie Canal Event was just completed and continues to be a success.  All participating riders were given a survey to complete.  Parks and Trails NY will share the data gathered from this survey with CDTC.


The next CDTC Bicycle and Pedestrian Task Force meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 14, 2007 4:30 p.m. at the CDTC Offices.